shuang cai

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Scents of Us

In "Scents of Us" we delve into the often-neglected yet profound world of scent and its impact on our perception of the environment. These visual representations of various aromas aim to make the intangible tangible, revealing how scents subtly, yet powerfully, influence our surroundings and interactions.

The team aims to transform the ephemeral whispers of scent into a vivid symphony of visual wonder, redefining the boundaries between the seen and the unseen in our sensory world.Highlighting this invisible force in other sensorial methods allows this world to be experienced.

This is a collaboration project with Adnan Aga, Vince Picone, Una Zhang, and M Dougherty.

This project won the Innovation Award for the NYC Media Lab’s Synthetic Media challenge, in collaboration with CHANEL.

copyright is overrated, please don’t let me regret saying this tho. -- shuang 2023